Thursday, February 11, 2010

A valentine

I just finished making some homemade oreos for my kids to take to school for their teachers tomorrow. I colored the cream cheese frosting pink, made a cute tag(my opinion), and put them in a clear Chinese take out container. I thought about making some soft sour cream sugar cookies(seriously the BEST sugar cookies EVER!), but remembered I sent those at Christmas time:)

This is also posted at The Sisters Dish.

Friday, January 29, 2010

crocheted boots and booties

Awhile ago my sister asked me...if she bought me a crochet pattern I could use it and make her some booties for her little girl.

Actually this is what she said..."haha let me know if these look too difficult and I will not purchase them, but if they look like something you could do...... i am totally going to make you make me some :)"

I am always up for a here they are. Not too bad for my first attempt at booties. I'm sure she will change out the buttons when I mail these to her. I just put these on to get a picture. The patterns are from Mon Petite Violon'S etsy shop. Mine are not as cute as hers, so go check out all of her patterns. SO cute!!

Can't wait to get some more yarn and make some more. Hopefully they will get better with every pair I make. Don't look too closely. I just started crocheting this past year and am not very good.

Below is the sweetie that will be receiving the boots and booties soon. She is wearing the hat that I crocheted for her awhile ago.

something is up with my pictures...I hope I just fixed it, but not sure. If not, I'll fix in a few minutes.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

zig-zag quilt

This is the quilt that I made for Jake for Christmas. I used the tutorial here. Jake picked out the fabric he wanted to use and I think it turned out pretty good. As I look more closely at the pictures I see that I still have some threads to cut.

I'm not sure if I will post a picture of Zac's quilt here. I started making him a wonky star quilt, but only finished about 5 blocks and decided I'd better get something else done to have it by Christmas. I started his the Friday before Christmas and he LOVES it, but I'm not too proud of it:) Maybe I'll finish the wonky star quilt for him and then show it here:)

OOPS...somehow I got the picture of the back on the top. I have just started using photobucket and am still trying to figure it out. Any advice would be GREAT!! My computer has become SO slow since I have started blogging that I think it might be because I was just loading photos from my hard drive. Anyone know? Also, my pictures are SO big now. Are they too big? Can you see them without scrolling? When I have time I am going to try to take my blog back to 2 columns instead of three. is Jake's zig-zag quilt.

Projects to do:

I have found SO many projects that I want to do....I have decided to create a post that I can add the links of projects. I usually see them and then lose the link...hopefully this will help. The list will grow, when I have more time.