I told my husband that I would like him to put up a clothes line for me to dry clothes on. After a quick glance to see if I was serious, he went to the garage and pulled out some line that he says is clothes line wire. Not sure if that is true, but if he says it is, it must be!!
He told me that he would make a quick line between two of our trees and we would 'try' it for awhile and if we decided we(or mostly I) like it he will work on something bigger. So far, I love it. My husband loves it too. He says, "the more money we save, the more money we have for cool gear!" He is a gear guy...loves his biking gear, camping gear, hiking gear...and so on and so on.
Here is our quick clothes line. I'll let you know if we ever get anything more. I have read that the clothes dryer accounts for ~6% of the average electric bill. We'll see if we actually save that much by line drying.
Anybody still out there?
1 year ago