For Ryder's quilt I cut my denim into pieces that were the same width, but different lengths. I sewed the pieces right side together to make long strips and then sewed the long strips wrong sides together. SO...the quilt will have shaggy stripes. Make sense? Doesn't make much sense to me either. Anyway, I backed it with some fun shaggy minky and sewed the top, batting and back together along each side of the shaggy stripe. It is a nice warm rugged quilt. Perfect for the 18 month old who will be destroying..I mean loving it!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
shaggy denim quilt
For Ryder's quilt I cut my denim into pieces that were the same width, but different lengths. I sewed the pieces right side together to make long strips and then sewed the long strips wrong sides together. SO...the quilt will have shaggy stripes. Make sense? Doesn't make much sense to me either. Anyway, I backed it with some fun shaggy minky and sewed the top, batting and back together along each side of the shaggy stripe. It is a nice warm rugged quilt. Perfect for the 18 month old who will be destroying..I mean loving it!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Milk Cartons
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
letter pillow
Anyway, I decided to make my boys some letter pillows for their beds. Zac's pillows were small, so I (actually my mom made his) did his whole name. For the other boys I did large letters, so only their first initial.

I'm terrible with tutorials, but here it goes...if you have any questions or something doesn't make sense....leave me a comment and I will respond in the comment section or leave your email and I will send you an email.
How to make the pillows....this is what I did anyway:)
- trace or draw your letter onto a piece of poster board...make sure that you take into account a 1/4-1/2" seam allowance, so that your finished pillow will be the size you want.
- cut out the fabric for the front side of your pillow. make sure that the right side of your fabric faces the correct way.
- cut out the fabric for the back side of your pillow. cut the back side so that the right side of the fabric is the mirror image of the letter...does that make any sense....your letter should be backwards on the wrong side of the fabric.
- place the rights sides of your fabric together and pin, if you want...I didn't...I'm lazy like that.
- sew a 1/4-1/2 seam around the fabric leaving a 3-4 inch gap open for stuffing the fiberfill into the pillow.
- stuff the pillow to desired firmness.
- hand stitch or machine stitch opening closed.
- done.
Monday, October 19, 2009
from gas fireplace to wood stove
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Our 'Wall of Fame'

I used my hubby's tin snips to cut the metal to the size of the openings and stuck it on with liquid nails. I sanded off the loose paint on the window frame and left the rest 'as is' and I love it!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Homemade Oreo Cookies
These cookies are SO good! They are super easy and only have a few ingredients! I really LOVE these cookies. Give these a try, you WON'T be disappointed!
- 2 devil's food cake mixes
- 2 cubes/sticks butter
- 4 eggs
Directions: Mix ingredients together. Roll into small balls(about 1 T). Place on an ungreased cookie sheet and bake for 8-10 minutes at 350 degrees. When cookies are cool spread filling on one cookie and sandwich with another.
Cream Cheese Filling
- 1/2 cube of butter
- 8 oz. cream cheese
- 1 t vanilla
- 3 1/2 cups powdered sugar
Directions: Beat ingredients together until smooth
Monday, October 5, 2009
before and after....front door
Another crocheted hat
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
dresser drawers turned under-bed storage
Next, I just used some wood glue and glued the molding into place. I'm NOT much of a perfectionist, so don't look too close! If my husband was doing this project, he would have the trim cut PERFECT and glued Perfectly centered on the drawer.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Ruffled M Pillow
My sister and her cute little family got to come and visit for a week! We had a blast, well Amber and I did. Her husband spent most of his time here working:) He went with my husband to cut wood twice, chopped a lot of that wood, helped(or did most of the work) tear out our gas fireplace(we are putting in a wood burning stove) and lots of other odds and ends around here. He said he enjoyed it though. Guess he was missing the city(got bored:)), visiting us here in our small little town. We were all SO sad to see them leave and we will be happy to get together again soon.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Moda Fabric Giveaway....

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
O is for Octopus
Thursday, August 20, 2009
My first attempt at crocheting
Monday, July 27, 2009
A new clothes line
He told me that he would make a quick line between two of our trees and we would 'try' it for awhile and if we decided we(or mostly I) like it he will work on something bigger. So far, I love it. My husband loves it too. He says, "the more money we save, the more money we have for cool gear!" He is a gear guy...loves his biking gear, camping gear, hiking gear...and so on and so on.
Here is our quick clothes line. I'll let you know if we ever get anything more. I have read that the clothes dryer accounts for ~6% of the average electric bill. We'll see if we actually save that much by line drying.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
'Wild Thing' Quilt
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Ruffle Pillow
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Grocery Bag Dispenser
My Mom will be getting this in the mail for her birthday in the next few days:) Can't wait to make one for myself:)
p.s. I used a Moda Soiree charm pack for this one. I ordered the charm pack from cotton patch quilting(wonderful company, great prices and super fast shipping!!). I wish this had been on sale when I ordered....might be sold out before I can order again:( oh well, maybe they will still have some on sale next time I order.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Letter Pillow
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Mother's Day Gift
Monday, March 2, 2009
My 3 favorite stain fighters
Hydrogen Peroxide - takes out blood. I learned this from my sis-in-law that used to work at a hospital. It is great!! I put my hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle and spray it on the little(or big) spots of blood that my kids(and me) get on the clothes. Hydrogen peroxide is also a great disinfectant.
Hairspray - takes out ink. I have heard that the cheaper the hairspray the better it removes ink.
M30 - takes out grease and everything else. I found a shirt in my closet that had been laundered and had a grease spot on it that I hadn't noticed before washing it. I tried the M30 on it and it came out, even after it had been washed and dried!! I found the M30 at Dollar General for yep, $1.